
Sunday, September 30, 2012

All Ages: Monochromatic Self Portrait Rainbow!

On 6x6 sheets of paper, I had the kids draw themselves the way they would like. I talked about what makes up a self portrait, and what monochromatic means. Monochromatic was a new word to all of the children. "How can you draw a picture of yourself with only using greens?" They were about to find out.

I gave each child a mirror that they could use to help draw their self portraits, I assigned 6 colors to groups of kids in each class. In 6 different bins, there were different shades of one color, the mediums consisted of crayons, thin markers, thick markers, and colored pencils. There was a large variety of colors for the children to use.

Once the portraits were completed, I hung them up for display for all the camp to see. The amount of positive feedback was rewarding. A long time employee even took a video of the Self Portraits at the end of the camp (some of the images started to curl from the heat, but it still looked wonderful!)

Click to watch video of the Monochromatic Self Portraits!

The older boys group working on their self portraits.

The final outcome hanging in the school gym. Wow! 

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